At some point in life, many of us experience a problematic transition or situation from
which we find it difficult to move forward. This may be characterized by, among others, depression,
self doubt, worry, conflict, tension, a sense of frustration and loss of purpose or direction.
Therapy offers a safe environment as well as support to approach difficult situations,
discover their nature and also tap the potential they hold for your personal transformation.
The therapy process fosters self-knowledge, creativity and vitality and
is instrumental in regaining meaning in life.
Diploma Analytical Psychology, MSc, MALA, MFA
Federally licensed Psychotherapist
(Eidgenössisch Anerkannt)
Training Analyst
Supervisor in Training
Psychotherapy covered by
Swiss health insurance
Membership: IAAP, AGAP, ASP, ISAP; PGB
I am a Jungian Psychoanalyst and Psychotherapist in private practice in Basel. I hold a degree from the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zürich (ISAPZURICH) and a federally acknowledged Psychotherapy title. Having grown up outside of Boston and in Basel, I am fully bilingual, therefore sessions can be held both in English and German.
I approach health and healing with listening, compassion, and relatedness. Together we explore and unveil the hidden layers that can hinder one from expressing oneself, one's potential and living life fully.
Based on need, sessions may incorporate body work, sensory and creative tools, relaxation and awareness techniques alongside talking therapy. I specifically bring extensive international professional experience from working in the field of communications (including non-violent communication), group processes for women (20 years) and group therapy. I am a member of ISAP, IAAP, AGAP, ASP, and PGB.
I lecture internationally and at the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich where I chair the Picture Department and co-chair the ISAPZURICH Picture Collection founded in 2021.
Schedule a meeting with me by phone or email to find out if Jungian Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy is for you.
At your first session we explore your needs and get to know one another.
I am a federally licensed ASP psychotherapist. My services can be reimbursed based on your basic compulsory and/or supplemental health insurance (Grundversicherung oder Zusatzversicherung). As of 1.1. 2023 new regulations on how Psychotherapy is reimbursed in Switzerland were put into place. Please bring an "ärztliche Anordnung" to your first meeting (unless you plan to self-pay).
As self-development is not paid through either insurance, you are very welcome as a self-payer, for example, if you do not have health insurance coverage, or do not wish to call claim to it.
My private practice is located just a brisk walk away from the main train station in Basel.
For a personal reference, please contact the ISAPZURICH counseling service:
Phone: 076 366 76 30
Finding Your Personal Myth
Experiencing wholeness through creative expression, reflection and sharing
Workshops on Request
I look forward to hearing from you
Jungian Psychotherapist and Depth Psychologist
Kathrin Schaeppi
Bachlettenstrasse 33
4054 Basel
Location: 7 minutes walk from the Basel main train station.